Antti Tolvi plays Manfred Werder (flute) / Meriheini Luoto (violin)
Lauantai 11.3.2023 klo 15–17
Saturday 11 March 3–5 pm
Meriheini Luoto is a Helsinki based composer and multi-instrumentalist focusing mainly on violin, nyckelharpa, electronics and vocals. Her compositions often have their basis in improvisation, timbre qualities, the experiential, and intuition. The possibilities offered by different architectural spaces inspire her to seek new and unusual ways of performing and experiencing music. With an adventurous mind and the knowledge of Scandinavian folk music tradition she creates soundscapes of something truly old and new at the same time.
In 2017 Meriheini released her debut album Metsänpeitto (lit. covered by forest) which has been critically acclaimed and nominated for the Teosto Prize, which is one of the most noteworthy art prizes in the Nordic countries. A sequel to the debut album ‘Metsänpeitto 2’ was released in September 2019. In recent years she has composed and performed music for contemporary dance and collaborated with Finnish choreographers Valtteri Raekallio & Annamari Keskinen/Thar Be Dragons. She also plays in the band Akkajee along with a viola player Iida Savolainen.
Meriheini holds a M.Mus majoring in folk music from the prestigious Sibelius Academy. She’s been performing in Canada, USA, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and Finland among others. Her work has been supported by The Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Kone Foundation & MES.
Manfred Werder (born 1965, living and working in Mexico City) is a composer and pianist. He studied at the Lucerne Conservatory and at the Berne Conservatory (achieving the recognition ‘Virtuosité avec distinction’), as well as in Paris with Claude Helffer. His scores take very different forms, from concise instructions that briefly sketch a sonorous situation to words found in, and quotations taken from, books by different authors. Nevertheless, all of them converge in his vocation to awaken sensibility towards the ‘sounding of the world’.
Winner of international composition awards such as the Forum Junger Komponisten of WDR Köln (Germany) in 1992, he has been an artist in residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris in 1994, the Cal Arts California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles and the Q-O2 in Brussels, among other places. He has presented his work in different cities in Chile, Japan, the United States, Germany, South Korea, Mexico and other countries, having worked both in concert halls and art centres and in urban and natural spaces performing sound interventions.
Outstanding among his work are pieces such as ‘Stück 1998’, a procedural composition of 4000 pages, each of which is performed only once by different musicians in a given context, or his Performer Series works, a set of compositions for soloists and ensembles of different sizes that indicate a temporal configuration of sound events and silences, which grow as their pages are interpreted. His compositions have been performed by internationally renowned instrumentalists within the contemporary and experimental music scene such as Rhodri Davies, Patrick Farmer, Eva Coronado, Antoine Beuger and Michael Pisaro.
Antti Tolvi (b. 1977 in Panelia) is a sound artist and performer from Turku Finland. Antti has been one of the most important names in the field of experimental music scene in Finland since 2002. Antti has performed on three continents and 14 solo records have been released from Antti. Since 2016, Antti has held 14 solo exhibitions and participated in 21 group exhibitions. Freedom, peace, gratitude and minimalist aesthetics are often reflected in Anttis works which combines sound, light, wind, water, bodily sensations and living visual elements. The works have been exhibited e.g. Helsinki Juhlaviikot (2021), Musica Nova festivals (2021), Huuto Galleria HKI (2021), Helsinki Biennale (Teemu Lehmusruusu working group 2021), Pori Art Museum (2020), Titanik Gallery TKU (2019) and Sinne Galleria HKI (2017). Antti Tolvi’s work Noise and form is part of the Wihuri Foundation’s collection. Antti has also been organizing the annual Kiilan äänipäivät sound art festival on Kemiönsaari since 2014.
Meriheini Luoto on esiintyjä ja säveltäjä, joka pohtii työskentelyssään improvisoinnin ja säveltämisen välimuotoja. Intuitio ja leikki toimivat väylinä kohti immersiivistä ja mielikuvituksellista musiikkia, joka saa soittimista ja soittajista esiin uusia puolia.
Luodon musiikkia voi kuulla mm. Metsänpeitto-albumeilla, Akkajee-yhtyeessä sekä taiteiden välisissä yhteistöissä mm. tanssitaiteen ja elokuvamusiikin kentillä. Pääsoittimina toimivat viulu, avainviulu, laulu ja elektroniikka.
Antti Tolvi (s. 1977 Paneliassa) on turkulainen äänitaiteilija ja esiintyjä. Antti on ollut yksi kokeellisen musiikin kentän merkittävimmistä tekijöistä Suomessa vuodesta 2002 lähtien. Antti on esiintynyt kolmella mantereella ja häneltä on julkaissut 14 soololevyä. Vuosina 2019-2022 lAntti on pitänyt 14 yksityisnäyttelyä (joista 12 soolona) ja osallistunut 16 ryhmänäyttelyyn. Vapaus, rauha, kiitollisuus ja minimalistinen estetiikka huokuvat usein Antin teoksissa, joissa yhdistyvät ääni, valo, tuuli, vesi, kehon tuntemukset ja elävät visuaaliset elementit. Teoksia on ollut esillä mm. Flow festivaali (2022), Rovaniemen Taidemuseo (2022), Helsinki Juhlaviikot (2021), Musica Nova -festivaalit (2021), Huuto Galleria HKI (2021), Helsinki Biennaali (Teemu Lehmusruusu -työryhmä 2021), Porin taidemuseo (2020), Titanik Gallery TKU (2019) ja Sinne Galleria HKI (2017) . Antti Tolvin teos Kohina ja muoto on osa Wihurin säätiön kokoelmaa. Antti on myös järjestänyt vuotuista äänitaidefestivaalia Kiilan äänipäivät Kemiönsaarella vuodesta 2014 lähtien ja TalviÄänipäivät Turku festivaalia 2022 lähtien.
Actualization of ein(e) ausführende(r) seiten 1-4000
pages 1-15 March 12, 2003, Zürich, 2h guitar
pages 15-30 July 4, 2003, München, 2h guitar
pages 31-34 April 13, 2004, Los Angeles Area, 32′ piano
pages 35-79 May 27, 2004, München, 6h guitar
pages 80-124 June 11, 2004, Berlin, 6h guitar
pages 125-133 July 9, 2004, Los Angeles Area, 72′ piano
pages 134-178 August 8, 2004, Zürich, 6h guitar
pages 179-180 March 31, 2005, Kenyon (Ohio), organ
pages 181-185 March 31, 2005, Kenyon (Ohio), piano
pages 186-215 April 7, 2005, Paris, 4 x 2h presence/activity guitar
pages 216-217 April 26, 2005, Los Angeles Area, 16′ piano
pages 218-226 April 9,2006, Medium CD (EWR 0601), 72′
pages 227-230 June 30, 2006, Los Angeles Area, 32′ piano
pages 231-239 July 13-15, 2007, Düsseldorf, 3 x 24′ stone harp
pages 240-247 October 16, 2007, Santa Barbara CA, 64′ metronome
pages 248-252 November 22, 2007, München, 40′ stone harp
pages 253-323 February 15-17, 2008, Glasgow, within 3 days mouthorgan/trombone
pages 323-325 March 7, 2008, Solothurn, 15′ performance
pages 325-327 May 9, 2008, Amsterdam, 20′ piano
pages 327-381 August 22-23, 2008, Zürich, within 24h piano/clarinet/zither
pages 382-420 February 5, 2011, Zürich, within 12h piano/zither/melodica/radio
pages 421-465 March 8, 2011, Oxford
pages 466-470 March 9, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 40′ accordeon
pages 471-473 March 9, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 24′ melodica
pages 474-478 March 9, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 40′ bowed guitar
pages 479 March 15, 2011, Valparaíso, 8′ bowed cymbal
pages 480-481 March 15, 2011, between Valparaíso and Santiago, 16′ minidisc
pages 482-484 April 15, 2011, Charleston SC, 24′ melodica
pages 485-487 April 15, 2011, Charleston SC, 24′ stone on pine tree
pages 488-489 April 15, 2011, Charleston SC, 16′ guitar
pages 490-494 April 15, 2011, Charleston SC, 40′ guitar
pages 495 April 15, 2011, Charleston SC, 8′ guitar
pages 496-503 April 16, 2011, Charleston SC, 64′ guitar
pages 504 April 16, 2011, Charleston SC, 8′ leaf sound
pages 505-509 April 16, 2011, Charleston SC, 40′ breathing out through mouth
pages 510-511 April 16, 2011, Charleston SC, 16′ guitar
pages 512 May 4, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ small harmonica
pages 513 May 12, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ pot/zoom H4n
pages 514 May 20, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ radio
pages 515 May 24, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ doublebass
pages 516 June 1, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ chronometer
pages 517 June 5, 2011, Bahía Inglesa, Atacama, Chile, 8′ half buoy
pages 518 June 20, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ melodica
pages 519 June 23, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ found empty vessel (on wall)
pages 520 June 29, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ piano
pages 521 July 13, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ white noise
pages 522 August 9, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ portable tv
pages 523 September 7, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ colombian maracón
pages 524 September 7, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ bathroom
pages 525 September 24, 2011, Valparaíso, 8′ minidisc mic box sea
pages 526 November 26, 2011, Valparaíso, 8′ small harmonica
pages 527 July 28, 2012, Zürich, 8′ object found on site
pages 528-529 November 10, 2012, Oxford, 16′ harmonica
pages 530-531 November 10, 2012, Oxford, 16′ piano
pages 532-533 November 10, 2012, Oxford, 16′ violoncello
pages 534-538 April 25, 2013, Seoul, 40′ object
pages 539-543 April 28, 2013, Tôkyô, 2 x 20′ 2 objects
pages 544 June 11, 2013, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
pages 545-565 September 1-30, 2013, Seoul
pages 566 October 7, 2013, Ciudad de México, 8′ xylophone
pages 567-568 October 27, 2013, Seoul 16′
pages 569-572 December 13, 2013, İzmir, 32′ electronic realization
pages 573-587 June 15, 2014, Berlin, objects
pages 588-589 September 25, 2014, Wrocław
pages 590-591 September 27-28, 2014, St. Paul MI
pages 592-593 October 11, 2014, Seoul, xylophone
pages 594-598 October 25, 2014, Tôkyô, viola, xylophone
pages 599 October 26, 2014, Mérida, Yucatán
pages 600-601 October 27, 2014 Tôkyô, viola
pages 602-603 November 15, 2014, Tôkyô, 16′ guitar
pages 604-611 November 15, 2014 Tôkyô, 64′ guitar
pages 612-615 December 6, 2014, Tôkyô, 32′ triangle
pages 616-617 December 6, 2014, Bruxelles, 16′
pages 618-619 December 20, 2014, Zürich, 16′ violin
pages 620-625 December 23, 2014, Santiago de Chile, 6 x 8′ harmonica
pages 626-630 January 10, 2015, Zürich, 40′ harmonica
pages 631-633 March 3, 2015, Zürich, 24′ violin
pages 634-635 April 22, 2015, Ciudad de México, 8′ and 6′
pages 635-636 April 27, 2015, Ciudad de México, 10′
page 637 May 5, 2015, Mérida, Yucatán, 8′ object
page 638 May 6, 2015, Mérida, Yucatán, 8′ object
page 639 May 6, 2015, Mérida, Yucatán, 8′ electric shaver
page 640 May 9, 2015, Mérida, Yucatán, 8′
page 641 May 12, 2015, Mérida, Yucatán, 8′ broom and leaves
page 642 May 16, 2015, Mérida, Yucatán, 8′ whistling
pages 643-645 August 7, 2015, Zürich, 3 x 8′
page 646 September 22, 2015, Santiago de Chile, 8′ violin
page 647 October 6, 2015, Seoul, 8′ harmonica
pages 648-653 October 8, 2015, Seoul, 48′ 2 objects
page 654 October 13, 2015, Seoul, 8′ harmonica
pages 655-656 October 15, 2015, Seoul, 16′ harmonica
page 657 October 16, 2015, Seoul, 8′ 2 objects
pages 658-659 October 17, 2015, Seoul, 16′ marbles eucalyptus peperoncini tuning forks screwdriver knife paper pencil typewriter
pages 660-661 December 7, 2015, Zürich, 2 x 8′
pages 662-663 December 14, 2015, Zürich, 2 x 8′
pages 664-665 January 25, 2016, Zürich, 2 x 8′ pencil and tingsha
pages 666-667 April 3, 2016, Bilbao, 16′ concertina
pages 668-669 April 10, 2016, Bilbao, 16′ concertina
pages 670-671 April 17, 2016, Bilbao, 16′ concertina
pages 672-673 April 24, 2016, Bilbao, 16′ concertina
pages 674-675 June 5, 2016, Ciudad de México, 16′
page 676 July 21, 2016, Sydney, 2′ xylophone
page 676 July 22, 2016, Sydney, 6′ xylophone
page 677 July 22, 2016, Sydney, 8′ xylophone
page 678 July 29, 2016, Seoul, 8′ xylophone
page 679 July 30, 2016, Seoul, 8′ xylophone
pages 680-691 September 27, 2016, München, 96′ xylophone & tingsha
pages 692-696 October 26, 2016, Solothurn, 5 x 8′
page 697 December 15, 2016, Bilbao, 8′ tingsha and electronics
page 698 December 17, 2016, San Sebastián, 1′ tingsha
page 698 December 17, 2016, San Sebastián, 2′ tingsha
page 698 December 17, 2016, San Sebastián, 2′ tingsha
page 698 December 17, 2016, San Sebastián, 3′ tingsha
page 699 December 17, 2016, San Sebastián, 2′ tingsha
page 699 December 17, 2016, San Sebastián, 2′ tingsha
page 699 December 18, 2016, San Sebastián, 4′ tingsha
pages 700-701 December 26, 2016, Ciudad de México, 16′
page 702 December 27, 2016, Paris, 8′ music box
pages 703-704 December 27, 2016, Ciudad de México, 16′
pages 705-710 December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017, Asturias, 48′ harmonica
page 711 February 8, 2017, London, 8′ tingsha
page 712 February 15, 2017, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 713 February 25, 2017, Alnwick, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus
pages 714-715 March 28, 2017, Zürich, 2 x 8′ pencil, xylophone
pages 716-729 April 8, 2017, Zürich, 112′ xylophone
page 730 April 15, 2017, Ciudad de México, 5′ xylophone
pages 730-731 April 16, 2017, Ciudad de México, 8′ xylophone
pages 731-733 April 21, 2017, Ciudad de México, 13′ xylophone
pages 733-734 April 23, 2017, Morelia, 20′ xylophone
pages 735-736 April 23, 2017, Morelia, 13′ xylophone
page 736 April 24, 2017, Morelia, 1′ xylophone
page 736 May 8, 2017, Zürich, 4′ xylophone
page 737 May 11, 2017, Anglet, 8′
pages 738-739 May 16, 2017, Ciudad de México, 16′
page 740 May 26, 2017, Zürich, 7′ xylophone
page 740 May 31, 2017, Zürich, 1′ xylophone
pages 741-770 June 1-30, 2017, Ciudad de México, 30 x 8′
pages 771-774 July 1-4, 2017, Berlin, 4 x 8′
page 775 July 23, 2017, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 776 July 27, 2017, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 777 August 4, 2017, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 778, August 10, 2017, Århus, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus
page 779, August 11, 2017, Ebeltoft, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus
pages 780-794, August 12-26, 2017, Berlin, 15 x 8′
page 795 September 4, 2017, Zürich, 8′ telepathy
page 796 September 11, 2017, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 797 September 28, 2017, Zürich, 8′ diapason
page 798 November 24, 2017, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 799 December 7, 2017, Zürich, 8′ diapason
page 800 December 13, 2017, Zürich, 3′ diapason
page 800 December 23, 2017, Zürich, 5′ xylophone
page 801 December 31, 2017, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 802 January 23, 2018, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 803 January 26, 2018, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
pages 804-805 February 2, 2018, Miami Beach, 14′ xylophone
pages 805-808 February 4, 2018, Coral Gables, 19′ xylophone
pages 808-809 February 4, 2018, Coral Gables, 12′ xylophone
pages 809-810 February 6, 2018, San Diego, 4′ xylophone
page 810 February 9, 2018, Valencia CA, 6′ xylophone
pages 810-811 March 11, 2018, Zürich, 9′ xylophone
page 812 March 26, 2018, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 813 April 7, 2018, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 814 April 10, 2018, Zürich, 8′ voice
page 815 April 19, 2018, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 816 April 20, 2018, Zürich, 7’12” xylophone
pages 816-817 April 28, 2018, Zürich, 5’12” xylophone
pages 817-818 May 7, 2018, Zürich, 7’24” voice
pages 818-819 June 3, 2018, Zürich, 8’24” xylophone
page 819 June 19, 2018, Zürich, 4’48” xylophone
page 820 June 27, 2018, Milano, 8′ typewriter
pages 821-822 June 30, 2018, Zürich, 9’12” xylophone
pages 822-823 July 9, 2018, Zürich, 7’48” stone on ground
pages 823-825 July 19, 2018, Zürich, 20’12” xylophone
pages 825-826 July 25, 2018, Zürich, 5’48” harmonica
pages 826-827 July 27, 2018, Zürich, 6’24” harmonica
page 827 July 31, 2018, Zürich, 5’24” harmonica
pages 827-828 August 2, 2018, Zürich, 3’48” harmonica
page 828 August 4, 2018, Zürich, 5’12” harmonica
pages 829-830 August 7, 2018, Bellinzona, 11’12” harmonica
pages 830-831 August 8, 2018, Bellinzona, 6’48” harmonica
pages 831-833 August 10, 2018, Bellinzona, 15’24” harmonica
pages 833-834 August 28, 2018, Zürich, 12’36” harmonica
pages 834-835 September 10, 2018, Ciudad de México, 9’12” harmonica
pages 835-836 September 11, 2018, Ciudad de México, 3’48” harmonica
pages 836-837 September 14, 2018, Ciudad de México, 2 x 3′ harmonica & paper
page 837 October 4, 2018, Montevideo, 1′ harmonica
page 837 October 8, 2018, Santiago de Chile, 3’36” harmonica
page 837 October 12, 2018, Santiago de Chile, 2′ harmonica
pages 837-839 November 25, 2018, Zürich, 16’36” xylophone
pages 840-843 December 1, 2018, Zürich, 29’48” xylophone
pages 843-844 December 5, 2018, Zürich, 9’12” xylophone
pages 844-845 December 27, 2018, Zürich, 9′ xylophone
pages 846-847 January 1, 2019, Zürich, 16′ xylophone
page 848 January 6, 2019, Zürich, 7’12” xylophone
pages 848-849 February 4, 2019, Middletown CT, 1′
pages 849-850 February 23, 2019, Ciudad de México, 13’12” xylophone
pages 850-851 March 10, 2019, Tlaxcala, 7’12” xylophone
pages 851-852 May 09, 2019, Zürich, 13’24” xylophone
pages 853-854 May 17, 2019, Zürich, 13’48” xylophone
pages 854-855 May 24, 2019, Zürich, 11’12” xylophone
pages 856-858 May 26, 2019, Zürich, 17’48” xylophone
pages 858-860 July 3, 2019, Sylvanès, 19’12” harmonica
pages 860-861 July 30, 2019, Ciudad de México, 8’24” voice
pages 861-862 September 14, 2019, Zürich, 6’36” xylophone
pages 862-864 September 18, 2019, Zürich, 16’48” xylophone
pages 864-865 October 16, 2019, Santiago de Chile, 6’12” xylophone
pages 865-871 October 26, 2019, Zürich, 47′ violin
pages 871-873 November 10, 2019, Zürich, 15’12” xylophone
page 873 November 11, 2019, Zürich, 6’36” xylophone
pages 873-874 November 16, 2019, Zürich, 8’12” xylophone
page 875 November 20, 2019, Zürich, 7’12” xylophone
pages 875-877 November 24, 2019, Zürich, 12’48” xylophone
pages 877-878 November 26, 2019, Zürich, 9’12” xylophone
pages 878-879 November 30, 2019, Zürich, 10’48” xylophone
page 880 December 2, 2019, Zürich, 5’36” xylophone
pages 880-882 December 10, 2019, Zürich, 9’36” xylophone
pages 882-883 December 14, 2019, Zürich, 8’24” xylophone
page 883 December 15, 2019, Zürich, 3’36” xylophone
pages 883-885 December 17, 2019, Zürich, 11’48” xylophone
page 885 December 20, 2019, Zürich, 6’12” xylophone
pages 885-887 December 21, 2019, Zürich, 10’12” xylophone
page 887 December 26, 2019, Zürich, 5’36” xylophone
pages 887-889 December 27, 2019, Zürich, 9’48” xylophone
page 889 December 28, 2019, Zürich, 6’24” xylophone
pages 889-891 December 30, 2019, Zürich, 9’48” xylophone
pages 891-892 December 31, 2019, Zürich, 10’24” xylophone
pages 892-893 January 7, 2020, Zürich, 5’36” xylophone
page 893 February 6, 2020, Morelia, 1′ mbira
page 893 February 10, 2020, Ciudad de México, 3’24” mbira
pages 893-895 February 15, 2020, Ciudad de México, 11’36” mbira
page 895 February 17, 2020, Ciudad de México, 5’12” mbira
pages 895-896 February 18, 2020, Ciudad de México, 9’48” mbira
pages 897-898 March 8, 2020, Zürich, 11’12” xylophone
pages 898-899 March 9, 2020, Zürich, 12’48” xylophone
page 900 March 15, 2020, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
pages 901-902 March 28, 2020, Zürich, 11′ xylophone
pages 902-904 March 30, 2020, Zürich, 14’48” xylophone
page 904 April 1, 2020, Zürich, 6’12” xylophone
page 905 April 8, 2020, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
pages 906-908 April 9, 2020, Zürich, 17’12” xylophone
page 908 April 13, 2020, Zürich, 6’48” xylophone
pages 909-910 April 17, 2020, Zürich, 9’36” xylophone
page 910 April 23, 2020, Zürich, 6’24” xylophone
page 911 April 24, 2020, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 912 April 25, 2020, Zürich, 5’24” mbira
pages 912-913 April 26, 2020, Zürich, 10’36” xylophone
page 914 May 5, 2020, Zürich, 7’12” xylophone
pages 914-915 May 8, 2020, Zürich, 8’48” xylophone
pages 916-917 May 9, 2020, Zürich, 10’12” xylophone
page 917 May 13, 2020, Zürich, 5’48” xylophone
page 918 May 16, 2020, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
pages 919-920 May 18, 2020, Zürich, 9’12” xylophone
page 920 May 19, 2020, Zürich, 6’48” xylophone
pages 921-922 May 21, 2020, Valparaíso, 16′
page 923 May 23, 2020, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 924 May 24, 2020, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
pages 925-926 June 6, 2020, Zürich, 9’12” xylophone
page 926 June 7, 2020, Zürich, 3’48” xylophone
pages 926-927 June 8, 2020, Zürich, 6’24” xylophone
page 927 June 9, 2020, Zürich, 4’36” xylophone
page 928 June 13, 2020, Zürich, 7′ xylophone
pages 928-929 June 14, 2020, Zürich, 9′ xylophone
page 930 June 15, 2020, Zürich, 5’12” xylophone
pages 930-931 June 20, 2020, Zürich, 10’48” xylophone
page 932 June 24, 2020, Zürich, 5’36” xylophone
pages 932-934 July 5, 2020, Zürich, 10’36” xylophone
page 934 July 12, 2020, Zürich, 7’48” xylophone
pages 935-936 July 15, 2020, Zürich, 10’12” xylophone
page 936 July 16, 2020, Zürich, 5’24” xylophone
pages 936-937 July 19, 2020, Zürich, 8’24” xylophone
page 938 July 20, 2020, Zürich, 6’48” xylophone
pages 938-939 July 22, 2020, Zürich, 5’12” xylophone
pages 939-940 July 25, 2020, Zürich, 5’24” xylophone
pages 940-941 July 28, 2020, Bellinzona, 14’36” stone on roof
page 942 August 16, 2020, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
pages 943-945 August 19, 2020, Zürich, 19’12” pencil on ground
pages 945-946 December 4, 2020, Zürich, 12’48” xylophone
page 947 December 5, 2020, Zürich, 7”36″ xylophone
pages 947-948 December 8, 2020, Zürich, 8’24” xylophone
page 949 December 21, 2020, Zürich, 4’24” xylophone
page 949 December 23, 2020, Zürich, 3’36” xylophone
pages 950-951 December 29, 2020, Zürich, 9’48” xylophone
pages 951-953 December 30, 2020, Zürich, 15’12” xylophone
page 953 December 31, 2020, Zürich, 7′ xylophone
pages 954-955 January 1, 2021, Zürich, 9’48” xylophone
pages 955-956 January 2, 2021, Zürich, 9’12” xylophone
page 956 January 3, 2021, Zürich, 5′ xylophone
pages 957-958 January 9, 2021, Zürich, 10’12” xylophone
pages 958-959 January 10, 2021, Zürich, 10’48” xylophone
page 959 January 15, 2021, Zürich, 1’48” xylophone
pages 959-960 January 23, 2021, Zürich, 9’12” xylophone
page 961 January 24, 2021, Zürich, 48″ xylophone
page 961 January 27, 2021, Zürich, 2’24” xylophone
page 961 January 28, 2021, Zürich, 1’48” xylophone
page 961 January 30, 2021, Zürich, 1’36” xylophone
page 961 January 31, 2021, Zürich, 36″ xylophone
pages 961-962 February 6, 2021, Zürich, 2’12” xylophone
page 962 February 8, 2021, Zürich, 48″ xylophone
page 962 February 13, 2021, Zürich, 2’12” xylophone
page 962 February 15, 2021, Zürich, 1’12” xylophone
page 962 February 19, 2021, Zürich, 36″ xylophone
page 962 February 20, 2021, Zürich, 1′ xylophone
page 962 February 22, 2021, Zürich, 12″ xylophone
page 962 February 28, 2021, Zürich, 24″ xylophone
pages 962-963 March 6, 2021, Zürich, 4’12” xylophone
page 963 March 7, 2021, Zürich, 2’12” xylophone
page 963 March 10, 2021, Zürich, 1’48” xylophone
page 964 March 14, 2021, Zürich, 2’36” xylophone
page 964 March 17, 2021, Zürich, 1’24” xylophone
page 964 March 24, 2021, Zürich, 2’48” xylophone
page 964 March 28, 2021, Zürich, 1’12” xylophone
page 965 April 2, 2021, Zürich, 48″ xylophone
page 965 April 5, 2021, Zürich, 1’12” xylophone
page 965 April 14, 2021, Zürich, 1’48” xylophone
pages 965-966 September 4, 2021, Sierra de Oaxaca, 6′ kalimba
page 966 March 23, 2022, Santiago de Chile, 1′
pages 966-973 May 1, 2022, Ulaanbaatar, 61′ asthma inhaler harmonica
page 974 May 3, 2022, Pasadena CA, 8′ glockenspiel
page 975 May 8, 2022, Los Angeles, 8′ glockenspiel
page 976 May 10, 2022, San Francisco, 2′ stone on earth
page 976 September 7, 2022, Ciudad de México, 2′ kalimba
page 976 December 6, 2022, Ciudad de México, 4′ harmonica
page 977 January 30, 2023, Tôkyô, 8′ guitar
page 978 February 1, 2023, Tôkyô, 8′ guitar
page 979 February 1, 2023, Tôkyô, 8′ guitar
page 980 February 9, 2023, Tôkyô, 8′ guitar
page 981 February 16, 2023, Tôkyô, 8′ guitar
page 982 February 20, 2023, Tôkyô, 8′ guitar
Actualization of 2 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-3 May 21, 2000, Aarau, 20′ vc cl
pages 3-33 November 4, 2000, Winterthur 2x2h vc radio
pages 33-37 December 2, 2002, Los Angeles Area, 36′ pno gt
pages 38-45 February 19, 2003, Los Angeles, 64′ v flugelhorn
pages 46-60 March 1, 2003, Berlin 2h pno fl
pages 61-100 November 19-28, 2004, Huddersfield
(Nov 19: 40’12” cl radio; Nov 20: 48″ voice rec; Nov 21: 13’12” trb mouthharmonica; Nov 22: 56’36” 2 woodpipes; Nov 23: 57′ gt trp; Nov 24: 36’24” 2 voices; Nov 25: 53’48” voice feedback; Nov 26: 9’24” 2 euphonia; Nov 27: 48’36” gt v; Nov 28: 2′ acc mouthharmonica)
pages 100-115 October 7, 2005, Tôkyô, 2h shô shruti-box mouthorgan
pages 115-160 October 9, 2005, Tôkyô, 6h shô shruti-box mouthorgan
pages 160-198 October, 12, 2005, Kyôto, 5h shô shruti-box mouthorgan
pages 198-220 October, 13, 2005, Nagoya, 3h shô shruti-box mouthorgan
pages 220-250 October 16, 2005, Kôbe, 4h shô shruti-box mouthorgan
pages 250-265 October 17, 2005, Kyôto, 2h shô shruti-box mouthorgan
pages 265-333 February 24, March 3, March 10, 2006, Solothurn, 3x3h, zither radio
pages 334-337 March 7, 2007, Basel, 32′ piano four hands
pages 338-343 March 15, 2008, München, 48′ mouthorgan stone harp
pages 344-347 July 5, 2008, Zürich, 32′ piano four hands
pages 348-350 September 25, 2008, Amsterdam, 20′ clarinet piano
pages 351-356 June 25, 2009, Freiburg i.B., 48′ trumpet perc
pages 357-360 December 22, 2009, London, recording, 30′ 2 organ pipes
pages 360-365 October 14, 2010, München, 42′ mouthorgan stone harp
pages 366-371 March 9, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 48′ radio motors
pages 372-374 March 15, 2011, Valparaíso, 24′ bell, bowed cymbal
pages 375-376 April 15, 2011, Charleston SC, 16′ melodica guitar
pages 377-378 April 15, 2011, Charleston SC, 16′ hand in grass radio
pages 379 May 5, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ ocarina harmonica
pages 380 May 12, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ 2 bahian whistles
pages 381 May 19, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ piece of ceramic kettle
pages 382 May 26, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ hair-dryer minidisc & small speaker
pages 383 June 2, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ bahian whistle small harmonica
pages 384 June 16, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ 2 radios
pages 385 June 23, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ 2 radios
pages 386 July 7, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ 2 whistles
pages 387 July 7, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ 2 whistles
pages 388 July 7, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ 2 whistles
pages 389 August 24, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 8′ whistle (piece of) styrofoam on wall
pages 390 October 23, 2011, Valparaíso, 8′ small harmonica, tuner
pages 391 October 23, 2011, highway Valparaíso Santiago, 8′ rear left & front right car window
pages 392-406 April 30, 2013, Kôbe, 2h guitar piano
pages 407-414 September 2- , 2013, Seoul
pages 415 October 9, 2013, Ciudad de México, guitar whistling
pages 416 October 9, 2013, Ciudad de México, guitar flute
pages 417-418 November 30, 2013, Ciudad de México, 16′ flute kazoo
pages 419-424 February 13, 2014, Bristol
pages 425-426 October 12, 2014, Seoul, xylophone harmonica
pages 427 October 14, 2014, Seoul, xylophone harmonica
pages 428-429 October 26, 2014, Tôkyô, viola guitar
pages 430-431 October 26, 2014, Tôkyô, viola guitar
pages 432-433 October 27, 2014, Tôkyô, viola guitar
pages 434-435 October 27, 2014, Tôkyô, viola guitar
pages 436-437 October 27, 2014, Tôkyô, viola guitar
pages 438-440 January 26, 2015, Seoul Zürich typewriter violin
page 441 February 12, 2015, Santiago de Chile, 2 harmonicas
pages 442-445 February 16, 2015, Santiago de Chile, 4×8′ xylophone harmonica
pages 446-448 March 16, 2015, Chapel Hill, 24′ violin piano
pages 449-450 March 23, 2015, Zürich, 16′ guitar harmonica
pages 451-452 April 13, 2015, Seoul Zürich, 16′
page 453 April 29, 2015, Mérida Yucatán, 8′
page 454 May 27, 2015, Zürich, 8′ xylophone, harmonica
pages 455-456 July 14, 2015, Seoul Zürich, 16′
page 457 September 13, 2015, Mérida Yucatán, 8′ juguetes
pages 458-463 October 3, 2015, Seoul, 48′ tingsha/voice harmonica/voice
pages 464-465 December 28, 2015, Seoul Zürich, 16′ 2 tingsha with eucalyptus
page 466 December 29, 2015, Monterrey, 8′
page 467 December 31, 2015, Monterrey, 8′
page 468 February 8, 2016, Ciudad de México, 8′
page 469 February 10, 2016, Ciudad de México, 8′
page 470 February 18, 2016, Los Angeles, 8′
page 471 February 22, 2016, Los Angeles, 8′ piano
pages 472-473, April 12, 2016, Seoul Zürich, 16′
page 474 April 14, 2016, Everglades National Park, Florida, 8′
page 475 April 15, 2016, Miami, 8′
pages 476-478 April 18, 2016, Miami Beach, 3 x 8′
pages 479-480 April 23, 2016, Ciudad de México, Zürich, 16′
pages 481-488 July 16, 2016, Melbourne, 2×32′ shakuhachi voice synthesizer xylophone
page 489 July 19, 2016, Mornington Peninsula National Park
pages 490-491 July 23, 2016, Sydney, 16′ flute melodica
pages 492-493 July 23, 2016, Sydney, 16′ harmonica percussion
page 494 July 26, 2016, Seoul, 8′ tingsha
pages 495-497 July 29, 2016, Seoul, 24′ tingsha
page 498 July 30, 2016, Seoul, 8′ tingsha
pages 499-501 July 30, 2016, Seoul, 24′ tingsha
pages 502-503 October 15, 2016, Zürich, 16′ ukulele viola
pages 504-505 October 24, 2016, Zürich, 16′ guitar harmonica
pages 506-507 November 6, 2016, London Zürich, 16′
page 508 December 14, 2016, Bilbao, 8′ harmonica vc
pages 509-510 December 19, 2016, Ciudad de México and Saltillo, Coahuila, 16′
page 511 December 25, 2016, London, 2′
page 511 December 25, 2016, London, 2′
page 511 December 25, 2016, London, 4′
page 512 December 25, 2016, London, 4′
page 512 December 31, 2016, London Zürich, 4′
pages 513-514 January 29, 2017, London Zürich, 16′
page 515 January 31, 2017, Ciudad de México, 8′
page 516 February 26, 2017, [on the train Newcastle upon Tyne to London], 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus laptop surface
pages 517-518 April 2, 2017, London Zürich, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus xylophone
pages 519-520 April 13, 2017, London, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus guitar
page 521 April 14, 2017, Teotihuacán, 8′ xylophone
page 522 April 16, 2017, Ciudad de México, 8′ xylophone
page 523 April 19, 2017, Ciudad de México, 8′ xylophone
page 524 April 20, 2017, Ciudad de México, 8′ xylophone
pages 525-526 May 2, 2017, Ciudad de México, Zürich 16′ metal ball xylophone
page 527 May 16, 2017, Key Biscayne, 8′
page 528 May 16, 2017, Key Biscayne, 8′
page 529 May 18, 2017, Miami, 8′
page 530 May 20, 2017, Miami, 8′
page 531 May 22, 2017, London, 8′ tingsha toy harmonica
page 532 May 23, 2017, Miami, 8′
page 533 May 23, 2017, Miami, 8′
page 534 June 11, 2017, Porto, 8′ cymbal leaves
page 535 June 11, 2017, Porto, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus whistling
page 536 June 12, 2017, Porto, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus guitar
page 537 June 13, 2017, Porto, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus guitar
page 538 June 15, 2017, Lisboa, 8′ bottle guitar
page 539 June 16, 2017, Lisboa, 8′ tree keyboard
pages 540-542 June 27, 2017, Sydney, 24′ voice alto saxophone
pages 543-544 June 28, 2017, Ciudad de México Zürich, 16′ metal ball xylophone
pages 545-546 July 3, 2017, Berlin, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus whistling
pages 547-548 July 12, 2017, London, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus
pages 549-550 July 13, 2017, London, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus
page 551 August 15, 2017, Berlin, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus sine wave
page 552 August 27, 2017, Berlin, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus
page 553 August 29, 2017, Berlin, 8′ tingsha/eucalyptus
pages 554-555 September 26, 2017, London Zürich, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus
pages 556-557 October 11, 2017, Ciudad de México Zürich, 16′
page 558 February 16, 2018, Ciudad de México, 8’xylophone
page 559 February 17, 2018, Ciudad de México, 8′
page 560 February 18, 2018, Ciudad de México, 8′ voice metall ball
page 561 July 23, 2018, Basel, 8′ piano
page 562 January 14, 2019, Zürich, 8′ xylophone
page 563 January 21, 2019, Kagoshima, 8′ branches
page 564 January 15, 2020, Concord MA, 2′ stones
page 564 February 9, 2022, Solothurn, 2′ tingsha voice
pages 564-566 March 20, 2022, Santiago de Chile, 20′
Actualization of 3 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-26 October 15-22, 2000, Bruxelles
(Oct 15: 6’36” 2va voice; Oct 16: 4’12” v va fl; Oct 17: 36″ va fl radio; Oct 18: 38’48” v va
trb; Oct 19: 53’48” 2va radio; Oct 20: 9’24” v voice radio; Oct 21: 37’12” v cl fl;
Oct 22: 53’12” acc cl radio)
pages 26-48 May 1-3, 2001, Berlin, 3×60′ fl va radio
pages 49-54 May 18, 2001, Basel, 48′ prep.pno electronics radio
pages 55-62 December 7, 2001, Kittsee (A), 1h trb viola da gamba pno
pages 62-64 November 13, 2002, Amsterdam, 20′ v bcl pno
pages 65-71 May 2, 2004, Aarau, 56′ va bfl gt
pages 72-76 July 2, 2008, Zürich, 40′ e-gt mandoline zither
pages 77-80 July 6, 2008, Solothurn, 32′ e-gt mandoline zither
pages 81-88 July 7, 2008, Solothurn, 64′ e-gt mandoline zither
pages 89-98 February 15, 2009, Tôkyô, 80′ e-gt mandoline zither
pages 99-100 October 4, 2011, Berlin, 16′ violin bassclarinet doublebass
pages 101-102 April 1, 2014, Sheffield, 16′ zither e-guitar doublebass
pages 103 October 14, 2014, Seoul
pages 104 October 24, 2014, Seoul, subset of 8 performers
pages 105-106 November 8, 2014, Seoul, 16′ stone/wood sine wave guitar
pages 107-110 November 29, 2014, Seoul, 32′ object sine wave guitar
pages 111-113 December 28, 2014, Seoul, 24′ guitar bass melodica
pages 114-116 February 14, 2015, Seoul, 24′ gas range hood water pouring fridge
page 117 April 18, 2015, Seoul, 8′ 2 gt electronics
page 118 April 30, 2015, Mérida Yucatán
page 119 May 23, 2015, Seoul, 8′ a bowl and stones electronics guitar
pages 120-121 October 4, 2015, Seoul, 16′ melodica cymbal harmonica
page 122 October 9, 2015, Seoul, 8′ harmonica seeds dry leaves
pages 123-125 November 7, 2015, Seoul, 24′ tingsha&stone shepard tone guitar
pages 126-128 December 25, 2015, Seoul, 24′ cup&coffee bean gas cooker melodica
pages 129-130 February 14, 2016, Tepoztlán, 16′
pages 131-133 March 9, 2016, Morelia, 20′
pages 133-135 July 23, 2016, Sydney, 20′ violin guitar berimbau
page 136 December 14, 2016, Bilbao, 2′ tingsha harmonica concertina
pages 136-137 March 3, 2017, New York City, 13′
pages 137-140 March 11, 2017, Zürich, 20′ guitar viola zither
page 140 May 12, 2017, Miami, 5′
page 141 May 15, 2017, Miami, 8′
pages 142-144 May 15, 2017, Miami, 24′
page 145 May 17, 2017, Miami, 8′
page 146 May 19, 2017, Miami Beach, 8′
page 147 May 19, 2017, Miami, 8′
page 148 May 21, 2017, Key Largo, 8′
page 149 May 21, 2017, Key West, 8′
page 150 May 22, 2017, Key West, 8′
page 151 August 10, 2017, Århus, 8′ stones stones leaves
pages 152-153 August 20, 2017, Berlin, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus paper whistling
pages 154-156 April 1, 2018, Amsterdam, 24′ sine tone concertina doublebass
page 157 July 10, 2018, Zürich, 8′ tree bark harmonika xylophone
page 158 July 10, 2018, Zürich, 2′ can harmonika xylophone
pages 158-161 July 28, 2018 Izhevsk, 24′ brick from the wall of 19th century factory/ hand fan/ no-input mixer
pages 161-162 October 9, 2018, Valparaíso, 8’36” & 5’24” paper el. device harmonica
page 163 October 15, 2018, Santiago de Chile, 8′
page 164 October 7, 2019, Santiago de Chile, 8′
page 165 October 7, 2019, Santiago de Chile, 8′
page 166 September 13, 2020, Brookline MA, 8′
page 167 October 31, 2020, Brookline MA, 8′
pages 168-169 July 16, 2021, Brookline MA, 16′
Actualization of 4 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-3 March 22, 2000, Luzern, 24′ va vc rec perc
pages 4-18 November 23, 2007, Tôkyô, 2h shô electronics oscillator e-guitar
pages 19-20 July 4, 2011, Biel-Bienne, 16′ violin viola violoncello doublebass
pages 21-22 July 5, 2011, Solothurn, 16′ violin viola violoncello doublebass
pages 23-46 April 4, 2012, Santiago de Chile, 3 x 64′ violin doublebass accordeon melodica
pages 47-48 October 5, 2013, Valencia, Los Angeles Area, subset of 19 performers
pages 49-55 November 29, 2014, Tôkyô Seoul Zürich, 56′ guitar stones spray xylophone
page 56, February 14, 2015, Seoul, 8′
pages 57-58 March 19, 2015, Zürich, 16′
page 59 March 20, 2015, Zürich, 8′
pages 60-63 April 23, 2015, Ciudad de México, 2 x 16′
pages 64-65 April 26, 2015, Tlaxcala, 16′
page 66 April 30, 2015, Mérida Yucatán
pages 67-70 September 27, 2015, Tôkyô, 32′ cymbals gt shô harmonica
pages 71-72 September 28, 2015, Tôkyô, 16′ gt spray voice cymbal
pages 73-74 October 17, 2015, Seoul, 16′ objects
pages 75-79 February 23, 2016, San Diego, 40′ violin violoncello clarinet, piano
pages 80-82 July 3, 2016, Seoul, 24′ book electronics cup guitar
page 83 December 16, 2016, Monterrey, 8′
page 84 February 9, 2017, London, 8′
pages 85-87 June 10, 2018, Seoul, 24′ tingsha/eucalyptus computer guitar object
pages 88-90 November 2, 2019, Zürich, 19’24” voice glockenspiel guitar cello
Actualization of 5 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-10 March 9, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 88′ acc radio motors bowed gt mouth harmonica
pages 11-13 March 9, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 24′ acc radio motors bowed gt mouth harmonica
pages 14-17 March 13, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 32′ acc melodica v dbass mouth harmonica
pages 18-19 March 15, 2011, Valparaíso, 16′ melodica baroque flute toy flute cymbal metal
pages 20-21 March 15, 2011, Valparaíso, 16′ metalbowl melodica flute cymbal mouth harmonica
pages 22-29 January 17, 2012, Santiago de Chile, 64′ clarinet bass-guitar melodica acc violin
pages 30-35 January 22, 2012, Santiago de Chile, 48′ clarinet guitar melodica melodica violin
pages 36-37 November 27, 2012, Tallahassee, 16′ melodica ceramic tiles gong snare drum e-gt
pages 38-42 March 15, 2013, Brooklyn, 40′ viola snare drum whistling soprano saxophone e-gt
pages 43-44 October 10, 2013, Ciudad de México, 16′
pages 45-50 October 11, 2013, Ciudad de México, 2 x 24′
pages 51-52 September 12, 2014, Bogotá, 16′ objects
pages 53 October 14, 2014, Seoul
pages 54-55 October 24, 2014, Seoul, subset of 8 performers
pages 56-57 May 12, 2015, Mérida Yucatán
pages 58-59 September 28, 2015, Tôkyô, 16′ gt voice cymbal gt harmonica
pages 60-61 September 29, 2015, Tôkyô, 16′ gt metal cymbal gt harmonica
pages 62-63 October 8, 2015, Seoul, 16′
pages 64-65 May 7, 2016, Tôkyô, 16′ viola flute clarinet alto-sax guitar bassoon
pages 66-68 July 23, 2016, Sydney, 24′ flute phone violin guitar berimbau
page 69 August 6, 2016, Ciudad de México, 8′
pages 70-71 October 25, 2016, Zürich, 16′ flute viola guitar cello xylophone
pages 72-73 October 26, 2016, Solothurn, 16′ flute viola guitar cello xylophone
pages 74-76 December 14, 2016, Bilbao, 24′ bowed zither electronics tingsha guitar dry leaves
pages 77-78 December 24, 2017, Seoul, 16′ tingsha/eucalyptus guitar laptop melodica wine glass
pages 79-81 December 29, 2018, Seoul, 24′
pages 82-84 March 30, 2019, Huddersfield, 3 x 8′
pages 85-86 March 30, 2019, Huddersfield, 2 x 8′
Actualization of 6 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-5 November 24, 1999, Düsseldorf, 40′ 6 voices
pages 6-13 April 7, 2000, Düsseldorf, 64′ fl trb 2v vc perc
pages 14-19 May 1, 2013, Valencia, Los Angeles Area, subset of 13 performers
pages 20-21 October 5, 2013, Valencia, Los Angeles Area, subset of 19 performers
page 22 December 5, 2015, Valparaíso, 8′
page 23 October 7, 2017, Zürich, 8′ va vc xylophone fl gt voice
page 24 October 8, 2017, Solothurn, 8′ va vc xylophone fl gt voice
pages 25-27 October 9, 2017, Solothurn, 24′ va vc xylophone fl gt voice
page 28 October 10, 2017, Basel, 8′ va vc xylophone fl gt voice
pages 29-31 September 14, 2018, Providence RI, 24′ vc trp el-gt el-bass glockenspiel clay bell
pages 32-35 July 21, 2020, Brooklyn NY, 32′
pages 36-37 March 24, 2022, Santiago de Chile, 16′
Actualization of 7 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-15 May 13, 2001, Zürich, 2x1h fl trp bn vc dbass acc voice
pages 16-30 May 24, 2001, Rotterdam, 2h fl vc e-gt synt 2 electronics radio
pages 31-36 May 1, 2013, Valencia, Los Angeles Area, subset of 13 performers
pages 37-44 February 12, 2015, Santiago de Chile, 64′, 2gt radio colombina altosax acc bell
page 45 April 29, 2015, Mérida Yucatán, 8′
pages 46-47 April 30, 2015, Mérida Yucatán, 16′
pages 48-50 May 1, 2015, Mérida Yucatán, 24′
pages 51-54 September 27, 2015, Tôkyô, 32′
Actualization of 8 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-5 May 5, 2002, Luzern, 40′ bfl cl bcl englishhorn v va vc pno
pages 6-10 October 29, 2013, Ciudad de México, 40′
page 11 January 19, 2020, New York City, 8′
pages 12-16 January 21, 2020, New York City, 40′
Actualization of 9 ausführende seiten 1-4000
pages 1-11 May 8, 2010, Sheffield, 88′ fl cl trp vc db gt 2el melodica
pages 12-22 May 8, 2010, Sheffield, 88′ cl trp vc db gt 2el melodica harmonica
pages 23-30 March 11, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 64′ 2 trp radio bowed materials acc mouth harmonica v db melodica
pages 31-33 March 11, 2011, Santiago de Chile, 24′ acc laptop cl vc cymbal 2trp objects gt
pages 34-35 October 13, 2012, London, 12′ oc 2v 2db harmonica pno gong bowed chinese monochord
pages 35-38 October 5, 2013, Valencia, Los Angeles Area, subset of 19 performers
pages 39-41 October 7, 2013, Ciudad de México
pages 42-44 October 9, 2013, Ciudad de México
pages 45-49 October 10, 2013, Ciudad de México
pages 50-51 October 14, 2014, Seoul
pages 52-53 July 17, 2016, Melbourne
pages 54-58 July 23, 2016, Sydney, 40′ melodica harmonica fl phone v gt berimbau el percussion
pages 59-63 December 14, 2016, Bilbao, 40′
pages 64-65 March 13, 2017, Leioa, Bizkaia, 16′ plastic cup box with pens foot stomp drum rubber band notebook pages lollipop whistle glass and spoon
pages 66-69 March 14, 2018, Leioa, Bizkaia, 32′ cups fanfare balls keys log stick toy plastic bags bottle flute ukelele grater drinking mouth guitar wood-frog
pages 70-73 October 8, 2019, Santiago de Chile, 32′ bell melodica bottle harmonica box keyboard cello ocarina laptop