Third House Event
Performance, Talk and Film Screening
13th July 2017, 5-7pm, free entry
Part I
LURE, Film Screening by Laura Cooper, 28mins, 2017
The film Lure, documents the activities of a whitetail deer hunter in rural Upstate NY. It was filmed on the day of the US presidential election in 2016. During the film, the relationship between the viewer, the camera and hunter become increasingly intimate and entangled.
Part II
Live Sound Object Performance, by Laura Cooper and Hermione Spriggs, The performance will open up and respond to themes explored in the show.
Artists will be available during and after the event to discuss and open up the themes explored in the exhibition and during the event.
Tapahtuma järjestetään osana Third House -näyttelyä, joka on Mongolian Orkhon Valleyssa kohdanneen kolmen taiteilijan, Hermione Spriggsin (UK), Heini Niemisen (FI) ja Laura Cooperin (USA/UK) tTomittaus. Ryhmää yhdistää paikkasidonnainen kiinnostus ihmisen eläin- ja luontosuhteeseen: he tutkivat ja uudelleen määrittelevät ihmisen halua järjestää ja hallita reviiriään.