Balthazar Berling & Lukas Hoffmann:
Caravan, New Men
Balthazar Berling (FR) ja Lukas Hoffmann (DE), eli New Men, kyseenalaistavat ja uudelleenmäärittävät käsitteitä ”mies” ja ”maskuliinisus”. Titanik-galleriassa esitettävä Caravan, New Men on performanssi maskuliinisuudesta ja nykyajan miehen rooleista. Berlin ja Hoffmann ovat tehneet yhteistyötä vuodesta 2012 saakka.
The process leading to the performance at Titanik Gallery is informed by the framework “New Men”. Starting from the deconstruction of a scene the performance will transform into a new narrative dealing with questions of masculinity. Through different modes of address and a play between the audience and the artists, the performance will dissolve its subject into a shared idea.
“New Men” is the name of a framework initiated by artists Balthazar Berling and Lukas Hoffmann. Their intention is to question the meaning we attribute to words such as “man” or “masculinity”. At first, the necessity of questioning these concepts came from their own identities of young male adults. By making the attempt to discuss these topics, they found out that it isn’t simple to formulate definitions of the contemporary male. Group talks, individual interviews, participative performances: their artistic research has progressed through different forms of conversations. Besides, a New Men Glossary is soon to be published online. It is a collective platform which consists of different redefinitions of concepts such as Fraternity, Affection, Legacy, Motion.
Balthazar Berling and Lukas Hoffmann have been working in collaboration since 2012. They have been developing a framework revolving around the notion and practice of conversation as an artistic medium. They performed at places such as De Appel Arts Center or Castrum Peregrini (NL). Balthazar Berling (FR, 1985) recently presented his work at Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf (DE). He is enrolled in the MFA programme at the Malmö Art Academy Lukas Hoffmann (DE, 1984) lives and works in Berlin. His works were exhibited at Galerie Fons Welters (NL), Rotterdam International Film Festival (NL), Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin (DE).
Maanalainen seurakunta laulaa
(Antti Jussila & Jari Kallio)
Maanalainen seurakunta laulaa on performanssiduo joka pohjaa miesten väliseen tukalaan herkkyyteen.
Toistuvina teemoina heidän töissään on pakkomielteet, rituaalit, sukupuoli, seksuaalisuus ja eristäytyminen.