Malin Arnell & Mar Fjell: Mapping the Pauses
Turun kaupunkitila
Arte ry on kutsunut ruotsalaisen taiteilijaduon, Malin Arnellin ja Mar Fjellin, toteuttamaan julkisen tilan käyttöä tutkivan prosessimuotoisen teoksen Turussa. Taiteilijat työskentelevät Turun kaupunkitilassa neljän viikon ajan heinä-elokuussa 2019. Kutsu on osa Arte ry:n järjestämää kaupunkitilaa ja julkista tilaa tutkivaa tapahtumien sarjaa Titanikin ulkopuolella.
Arnell ja Fjell tullaan seuraavien viikkojen aikana näkemään Turun keskustassa toteuttamassa päivittäisiä, ennalta suunniteltuja tehtäviä ja ohjelmia. Taiteilijoiden työskentely perustuu hienovaraisiin performatiivisiin eleisiin, sekä kaupunkitilan kanssa muodostettavaan dialogiin. Projekti sisältää myös yleisölle avoimia tapahtumia, joista on tulossa pian lisätietoa.
Performatiivinen teos Mapping the Pauses nivoutuu elettävän elämän ajatuksen ympärille, jossa keskeisiksi elementeiksi nousevat hyvinvointi, toisista huolehtiminen, lepo ja palautuminen, sekä hitaus leikkisänä voimana. Tässä kehyksessä Arnellin ja Fjellin teos avautuu eri puolilla kaupunkia hienovaraisina eleinä, ympäristön havainnointina, yhdessä olemisen ja tekemisen kautta.
Osana projektia toteutetaan julkaisu, joka avaa prosessimuotoista teosta ja toimii myös sen dokumentaationa. Julkaisu sisältää dialogipohjaisen tekstin Malin Arnellin, Mar Fjellin ja Hertta Kiiskin välillä, kaunokirjallisen tekstin Jess Arndtilta, sekä kuratorisen esittelytekstin Elina Suoyrjöltä. Julkaisu julkistetaan loppuvuonna 2019, jolloin Arnell ja Fjell työskentelevät Saaren Kartanon residenssissä.
Mapping the Pauses on neljäs Arte ry:n toteuttaa Titanikin ulkopuolinen hanke, jossa lähestytään julkisen tilan käyttöön liittyviä kysymyksiä. Aiemmat projektit ovat olleet Valtio+Turun entisessä lääninvankilassa kesällä 2015, ParantolaAlvar Aallon piirtämässä Paimion Parantolassa vuonna 2016, sekä Cache, joka toteutettiin eri tavoin piilossa tai näkymättömissä olevissa paikoissa Turun kaupunkitilassa syksyllä 2017.
Hanke toteutetaan Oskar Öflundin rahaston ja Pohjoismaisen kulttuuripisteen tuella.
Mapping the Pauses: Pause #1 – The Dog Park
Sunnuntai 21.7., klo 14–16
Eerikinrinteen koirapuisto
Dogs are not surrogates for theory; they are not here just to think with. They are here to live with.
– Haraway, Donna, The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness (2003)
Pause #1 – The Dog Park is a participatory investigation which demands a two hour dedication and presence together with the group and the environment of the dog park. The gathering will include two parts: an introduction and presentation, which will be followed by some physical exercises through task-like performance scores.
Mapping the Pauses: Pause #2 – The Residency Apartment
Sunnuntai 28.7., klo 14–16
Sirkkalankatu 26A
Pause #2 – The Residency Apartment is a participatory investigation which demands a two hour dedication and presence together with the group and the environment of the residency apartment. We will engage through the concept of home, in relation to different practices of taking pauses or/and finding rest. The gathering will include two parts: an introduction and presentation, which will be followed by some listening and writing exercises through task-like performance scores.
Mapping the Pauses: Pause #3 – The River
Sunnuntai 4.8., klo 14–16
Titanik, Itäinen Rantakatu 8
Pause #3 – The River is a participatory investigation which demands a two hour dedication and presence together with the group and the environment along the Aura river. We will engage through the concept of movement and force in relation to different practices of taking pauses or/and finding rest. The gathering will include two parts: an introduction and presentation which will be followed by some physical exercises through task-like performance scores.
We will start the gathering outside of Titanik, and it will end after two hours on a location 30 minutes away (by foot).
Please, respect the group in becoming, be on time!
Free entrance.
Language: English
Snacks provided.
Limited number of participants, please rsvp to: info@titanik.fi
Dogs are welcome.
Malin Arnell & Mar Fjell: Mapping the Pauses
10 July – 5 August
Turku city space
Arte Artists’ Association has invited the Swedish artist duo Malin Arnell and Mar Fjell to realise a new process-based art piece focusing on the use of public space. The artists are working in the city space of Turku during four weeks in July – August 2019. The invitation is part of Arte’s off-site projects investigating art in public space.
During the next few weeks, Arnell and Fjell will be seen at different spots in the city space of Turku, carrying out daily scores. The project is based on subtle performative gestures, as well as a dialogue created with the city space. The project includes also events open for the public. More info coming on these very soon.
The performative piece Mapping the Pauses is based on the idea of a liveable life, where essential elements are wellbeing, caretaking and caremaking, rest and recovery, as well as slowness as a playful force. Within this framework, Arnell and Fjell’s piece unfolds in different parts of the city through gestures and movements, observation of the surroundings, as well as through being and doing together.
A part of the project is a publication, which both opens up the process with the piece, and also functions as its documentation. The publication includes a text by Jess Arndt, a dialogue between Malin Arnell, Mar Fjell and Hertta Kiiski, as well as a curatorial introductory text by Elina Suoyrjö. The publication is launch at the end of 2019, while Arnell and Fjell are artists-in-residency at Saari Residency.
Mapping the Pauses s the fourth off-site project arranged by Arte Artists’ Association, where the use of public space is at the core of a large-scale art project. The previous projects include Valtio+at the former county penitentiary in Turku in 2015, Parantolain 2016 at the Paimio Sanatorium drawn by Alvar Aalto, and Cache, which was arranged at various hidden or “invisible” spots in the city space of Turku in 2017.
The project is realised with the kind support from Oskar Öflund Foundation and Nordic Culture Point.
Mapping the Pauses: Pause #1 – The Dog Park
Sunday 21 of July at 2pm-4pm
Eerikinrinne Dog Park
Dogs are not surrogates for theory; they are not here just to think with. They are here to live with.
– Haraway, Donna, The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness (2003)
Pause #1 – The Dog Park is a participatory investigation which demands a two hour dedication and presence together with the group and the environment of the dog park. The gathering will include two parts: an introduction and presentation, which will be followed by some physical exercises through task-like performance scores.
Mapping the Pauses: Pause #2 – The Residency Apartment
Sunday 28 of July at 2pm-4pm
Sirkkalankatu 26A
Pause #2 – The Residency Apartment is a participatory investigation which demands a two hour dedication and presence together with the group and the environment of the residency apartment. We will engage through the concept of home, in relation to different practices of taking pauses or/and finding rest. The gathering will include two parts: an introduction and presentation, which will be followed by some listening and writing exercises through task-like performance scores.
Mapping the Pauses: Pause #3 – The River
Sunday 4 of August at 2pm-4pm
Titanik, Itäinen Rantakatu 8
Pause #3 – The River is a participatory investigation which demands a two hour dedication and presence together with the group and the environment along the Aura river. We will engage through the concept of movement and force in relation to different practices of taking pauses or/and finding rest. The gathering will include two parts: an introduction and presentation which will be followed by some physical exercises through task-like performance scores.
We will start the gathering outside of Titanik, and it will end after two hours on a location 30 minutes away (by foot).
Please, respect the group in becoming, be on time!
Free entrance.
Language: English
Snacks provided.
Limited number of participants, please rsvp to: info@titanik.fi
Dogs are welcome.
Kuva / Image: I am not quite sure. This is an arduous terrain (again), 2016, Malin Arnell, Mario Fjell and other materialities. Videographer: Sugar Rush Productions.