Mix and Mingle – Saari Residence at Titanik – part three!
Mix and Mingle – Saari Residence at Titanik – part three!
Tuuli toi kaukaa sen ilman jonka hengitin -esitys 1.12. klo 19 Titanikilla, osana XS – Uuden tanssin ja esitystaiteen festivaalin ohjelmistoa
The wind brought from afar the air that I breathed performance: 1 December 7 pm at Titanik, as part of the XS – Festival for New Dance and Performance
11–12 November 2022
Amidst the thickening atmospheres of social suffocation (Górska 2021), this edition of the Academy strives to bring together 12 international scholars, artists and practitioners whose creative and critical work is supportive for elaborating what an art or science of listening toward a more liveable world may be.
Keskustelutilaisuus lauantaina
22.10.2022 klo 16–18 Titanikilla. Tilaisuuden kieli on suomi.
Discussion at Titanik-gallery on Saturday 22 October 2022, 4–6 pm. The language of the event is Finnish.
Mix and Mingle – Saari Residence at Titanik – part two!
Pihla Lehtisen teospari käsittelee luontosuhteen ja sukupuolen yhteispintoja queerfeminismin ja antikapitalismin näkökulmista.
Kaivohauki / Kankaankehä by Pihla Lehtinen is a queer-feminist and anti-capitalist duo-piece about gender and nature.
Pihla Lehtinens duoverk behandlar beröringspunkter mellan naturrelation och kön ur en queerfeministisk och antikapitalistisk synvinkel.
Esitysajat Titanik-galleriassa:
Lauantai 28.5.2022 klo 18.00
Sunnuntai 29.5.2022 klo 15.00
Performances in Titanik gallery
Saturday 28 May 2022 at 18.00
Sunday 29 May 2022 at 15:00
Performance i Galleri Titanik:
Lördag 28.5.2022 kl.18.00
Söndag 29.5.2022 kl.15.00
This event is launching a new collaboration between the Saari Residence and Titanik gallery.
Jordan Loeppky-Kolesnikin kuratoima videoscreening torstaina 17.3 klo 18–20.
A video screening curated by Jordan Loeppky-Kolesnik Thursday 17.3 6–8 PM.
Image: Abigail Lucien.
Re-treat on esitys hoitavasta kosketuksesta yhdelle osallistujalle kerrallaan. Osallistuja voi antautua lepäämään ja kosketettavaksi.
Re-treat is a performance about caring touch for one participant at the time. The participant can surrender to receiving touch.
Re-treat är en föreställning om vårdande beröring, för en deltagare i gången.