Titanik will host an open studio with Canadian artist-in-residence, Denton Fredrickson. He will be available to reveal the process of his new work-in-progress, Fall with the Sound of Its Own Recording or: How I Came to Know Sideways Gravity.
Titanik will host an open studio with Canadian artist-in-residence, Denton Fredrickson. He will be available to reveal the process of his new work-in-progress, Fall with the Sound of Its Own Recording or: How I Came to Know Sideways Gravity.
Open Studio 24.5.2018 18-20 @ Titanik residency studio space.
Caught somewhere in-between folk and new media art, alienation and wonder, Denton Fredrickson’s work invites experiential and contemplative interactions with sound, objects, and architectural space. The seductive lure of both old and new wonders, fantastic inventions, and absurd theories are familiar territories for Fredrickson.
This open studio is intented to share where the artist is at at this point with the research she has been conducting during her stay at Titanik. During her residency at Titanik, she worked on a sound based project: Glossary – WWW³ (WORLD WIDE WEB / WILD WO.MEN WITCHES / WORLD WITHOUT WORK). In this segment of the cycle, she attempted to build the soundtrack of a spoken glossary of many terms and concept that are relative to the economics and feminist economics theoretical framework(s) of this research.
Marie-Andrée Godin’s work focuses on the figure of the witch as a feminist figure and explores the concepts of a-hierarchy, acts of manufacture, holistic thinking and knowledge as a source of power. She is now trying to see if magic, post-capitalism and diverse political forms or systems could be intertwined to help manifest the future.
Titanik’s current artist-in-residence guests Peter Strickmann and Evgenija Wassilew present a work-in-progress that they’ve initiated during their stay in Turku. The duo makes use of a carefully selected collection of whistles consisting of 21 diverse and unusual alarm and signal whistles, which were originally designed to produce a loudness beyond human abilities.
During their stay at Titanik Gallery Evgenija Wassilew and Peter Strickmann create an open scene inside the gallery space where spoken texts, spatial explorations and sound-happenings develop over time and space.
A thought about past time. Transformation of memories. Everything is now different from what it was. Everything is now imperfect. In this sound installation, I use sounds recorded during a crazy expedition with an important friend of mine into an abandoned tunnel in Pasila. Since these sounds have been processed in order to get very
Emilie Payeur lives and works in Montreal, Canada. She is a multidisciplinary artist, mainly active in experimental/noise music and visual arts. The tension, discomfort, voyeurism and perversion/deviation of the reality are very important in her visual works, both in the creative process and in the work itself. Often described as being minimalist and sometimes harsh,
Micro Loop Macro Cycle “Micro Loop Macro Cycle” brings an environmental cycle system to a generative sound installation, that reveals comprehensive sonic information about the dynamic states of present time and space. Water is the main subject of the piece, the most comment substance on Earth which carries life and exist almost in every biogeochemical
Connectedness There are now more mobile connections (8.2 billions including machine-to-machine connections) than people in the world (7.5 billions). There are already more than 100 countries where the number of mobile phone subscriptions exceed their population. Mobile phones communicate by transmitting radiofrequency (RF) waves through a network of fixed antennas. This makes the world around