Sonia Paço-Rocchia is an composer, sound installation artist, improviser, maker, creative coder, live electronics musician.
At Titanik she will be working on her project Double-Tranchant.
Sonia Paço-Rocchia is an composer, sound installation artist, improviser, maker, creative coder, live electronics musician.
At Titanik she will be working on her project Double-Tranchant.
Geoff Robinson is a Melbourne-based artist working on Wurundjeri country. Robinson creates event-based artworks that utilise the temporal qualities of sound and performance and the spatial conditions of physical sites to unravel the durational layers of place.
pienet lammikot ovat kerääntyneet lattiakaivon ympärille
seinällä on valkoiset kaakelit
niissä roikkuvat vesipisarat odottavat valppaina vuoroaan
kuka on seuraava?
kenen vuoro on hypätä kyytiin?
Minna-Kaisa Kallinen on monialainen taiteilija. Hänen työskentelyynsä kuuluu olennaisesti kirjoittaminen, musiikki, toisto ja kierrätys.
Hän on kiinnostunut tarinoista ja niiden vaikutuksesta yhteiskuntaan. Tällä hetkellä häntä inspiroi kalat, turkoosi väri, kaikenlainen kiiltävä ja betoni.
Titanik’s current artist-in-residence Hannah Ellul has been developing work about the life of Betty Tebbs, an English socialist, feminist and self-declared revolutionary who died in 2017, at the age of 98. For this live performance, Ellul will bring archival recordings and field recordings together with readings from Tebbs’ unpublished memoirs, to present an impressionistic biography.
Hannah Ellul is a Glasgow-based artist and musician working primarily in text, performance, video and sound. Much of her work addresses radical political imagination, often in relation to overlooked histories. With Ben Knight she is part of the collaborative project Psykick Dancehall, exploring sound across media: the politics of listening, recording technologies and the voice.
Tuesday 21 May 6–8pm: Titanik A.i.R. Artist Talk: Norie Neumark Titanik artist-in-residence Norie Neumark (AUS) will talk about her collaborative projects with Maria Miranda. She will draw out ideas they have engaged with through their practice—including performative encounters in public places, environmental concerns, playing between the actual and the imaginary, and listening to voice in
Norie Neumark is an artist working with sound/media in installation, performance and radio—collaborating with Maria Miranda as out-of-sync ( Her 2017 monograph is Voicetracks: Attuning to Voice in Media and the Arts (MIT Press). She is Honorary Professorial Fellow at VCA, Melbourne University and Emeritus Professor, La Trobe University. She is founding editor, Unlikely: Journal for Creative Arts.
Titanik artist-in-residence programme (Turku, Finland) offers two- to three-month residencies for artists working in the intersections of sound and contemporary art. The application period is 8 – 28 April 2019, and the call is for the following time periods: January – February 2020 March – April 2020 May – July 2020 October – December 2020
Come and meet Titanik’s current artist-in-residence Félix Blume (FR) during an open studio day on Tuesday 23 April. Blume presents the project he has been working on during his residency at Titanik, as well as two previous projects, occupying the whole gallery space with three video installations focusing on sound and listening. Impossible Dialogue is a