Lorah’s process based practice comments on the complex continuum between biology, geology and technology.
Lorah’s process based practice comments on the complex continuum between biology, geology and technology.
Luka Ivanovic aka Lukatoyboy, is a sound artist from Belgrade, Serbia. His current practice is based on participatory performances based on networks, sound and narrative, using walkie-talkies and site specific topics. Focused on the relation of chances and structures, he creates participatory works with suggested rules, questioning exclusivity and authority of an artist.
My Studio practice is an investigation into our contemporary relationship with the technological object. In particular, I seek to explore the possibilities of technology within the framework of the embodied sonic event; examining the phenomenologies associated with the interaction between sound, object and subjective viewer
This exhibition simultaneously compresses large distances and magnifies small things. It takes some experiences out of time and expands others into a continuous now. I am attempting to understand some aspects of my perception by replacing the perceived object with electronic simulacra, or by abstracting and modeling those perceived systems of events, and juxtaposing them into new configurations.
Jorge Boehringer on amerikkalainen säveltäjä, muusikko, taiteilija. Suurien ja pienien pintojen tutkija. Boehringer luo performansseja, äänityksiä, installaatioita, moniulotteisia esineitä ja visuaalisia ilmiöitä. Beohringerin työt tarjoavat erilaisia kokemuksia ja palasia todellisuudesta. “Multiple systems of events, appearing and disappearing, and evolving at their own rates.” on lause jota hän tykkää käyttää toidensä kuvailuun.
Titanik A.i.R. -residenssiohjelman kanadalaisten taiteilijavieraiden Virginie Laganieren & Jean-Maxime Dufresnen työskentelyn keskiössä ovat arkkitehtoniset tilat sekä niiden sosiaaliset ulottuvuudet. Titanik-galleriassa avautuva näyttely käsittelee Turun kaupunkiarkkitehtuurin ja -historian omaleimaista piirrettä, tähtitorneja.
Hello – I am the current (sonic) artist in residence at Sumu, Titanik Gallery in Turku ….. and it is great to be here ! More about what I do in other posts here on the blog, but please call in and visit me at the studio, Titanik; I am there most afternoons –
Clemence Wilhelm 2009 THE ROAD TO VENICE Video silent 39’ MUNICH (D) – VENICE BIENNIAL (I) 2009 In July 2009 Clemens Wilhelm started out on foot to walk from Munich to the Venice Biennial. The path of more than 600 km took him across the alps in one month, from the Southern German lowlands across